Australia is the largest country in Oceania and the sixth largest in the world. With a diverse, resourceful, and thriving economy, Australia is a magnet for global talent and wealth. The country offers multiple programs for wealthy investors to make Australia their home.
Business Innovation and Investment Visa Stream
Under this visa category, there are 5 streams with varying features suitable for different individuals. An investor can go for active investments or invest in govt complying funds. Following are the five streams one can choose from,
- Business Innovation Stream
- Investor Stream
- Significant Investor Stream
- Premium Investor Stream
- Entrepreneur Stream
Eligibility Criteria :
- Min. Investment – AUD 1.5 Million
- The applicant must hold a subclass 188 visa
- Functional English ability is a must.
- Fulfill minimum residence requirement (generally 2 out of 4 years)
Key Benefits :
- The Investor gets residency for 5 years.
- After fulfilling certain criteria, the investor can apply for PR after 5 years.
- Australia offers one of the best healthcare and infrastructure.
- Being merit-based programs, these are predictable ways for Australian PR/citizenship.
New Zealand is an island country in the Pacific Ocean. It is an advanced market economy, ranked among the best in the human development index. The country has thriving agricultural and dairy industries and is among the safest country to live in with high individual income.
Investor 2 Resident Visa
This program allows investors to invest and move to New Zealand with their dependent family members. The process is quick and easy.
Eligibility Criteria :
- Min Investment – NZD 3 Million in funds or assets.
- Need to show English ability either through tests or proof of English background.
- Investment has to be kept for at least four years.
- Dependent children’s age should be less than 24 years.
Key Benefits :
- Access to world-class healthcare and infrastructure
- Comparatively short process, only 2 weeks
- Leads to New Zealand citizenship